5:57pm Jo Called the meeting to order

Announcing Birthdays- Jo asked if it was ok with the group to start announcing birthdays. There were no birthdays in December.

Aimee  (Treasurers Report) Beginning balance $7063.92, Ending balance $7293.67

Keegan (Government Liaison) New W4 Form starting in 2020, Many states releasing new forms as well because of the new W4 form. Most Unemployment wage bases have been released. Several states are also increasing the minimum wage.

NV- If employer has more than 50 employees- there is a new paid leave effective 1/20

San Antonio TX- Court blocked the new sick leave and is not in effect yet.

If paid weekly with a pay date on Wed/Thurs, will have 53 pay period this year.

SC- Created new state form with tax tables

DE- Created new form, but not available yet.

Paycheck city.com relaunched and looks nicer

Aimee read Secretary’s report

Jo asked for any job openings- none mentioned.

Jeanne was our speaker and spoke on the new W4. She will email the group on her slides. She spoke until 6:37pm.

Christmas party started-Raffle 2 $50 gift cards and a gift basket

There was an ugly sweater contest and the winner won a $25 gift card.

The next meeting will be February 18th.

The meeting ended at 7:21pm.