Metro Phoenix Chapter APA – October Meeting

October 17, 2017

5:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Notetaker: Courtney Buchanan, Secretary

New members: Jacki Rowell

Meeting called to order by Wendy Wyman, President, 6:00pm

President’s update:

  • Wendy advised that we are still looking for a vice president, please let Wendy know if you’re interested.
  • President asked Government Liaison for an update.
    • Government Liaison, Jo McCoy, advised she will be looking for speakers for February, March, and April 2018. We have a speaker for November.
    • Jo also asked the chapter members to contact her if they have any particular presenters in mind.
    • Jo also provided the following governmental updates:
      • The Department of Labor (DOL) has withdrawn its overtime appeals case
      • A new 0.1% “Public Transportation Payroll Tax” will go into effect in Oregon as of July 1, 2018
      • Daylight savings time ends November 5th
      • The IRS has proposed rules to allow a truncated SSN on W-2s furnished to employees
      • There is a new federal tax credit available to employers with employees in designated counties in Texas, Florida, Georgia, the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Employers can receive up to $2,400 per employee
      • Social Security base for 2018 is $128,700.00, max withholding is $7,979.40
    • Wendy continued with remarks advising the chapter members that the website ( was down momentarily last week, but is now back up.
    • Wendy asked for the Secretary’s Update:
      • Courtney reminded the group of the previous month’s suggestion that the chapter consider a “Bring Your Boss” meeting. Wendy encouraged the chapter to select a month in which we bring our bosses to the monthly meeting.  This will give our leaders an opportunity to become familiar with what it is we do/learn in each chapter meeting.  We could explore a discounted price for two, perhaps $40; thinking of doing it for February
      • Courtney apologized for the difficulty with the October invitations. MailChimp was used for the first time and didn’t reach all recipients.  A follow-up invitation was sent when the issue was discovered.  The group agreed that an invitation one week in advance would suffice.
      • Courtney also encouraged members to submit to any payroll topic they would like to see included as part of the monthly meeting.
        • Viki believes she may be able to get an attorney from the labor relations board in the future
      • Wendy indicated that December’s meeting could again include a white Elephant gift exchange as in the past. More details to come.
      • Wendy asked for the Treasurer’s report:
        • Milinda Goodman, Treasurer advised the opening balance for the previous month was $6,546.98, deposits $780.56, withdrawals $625.55, balance $6,701.99
      • Wendy introduced the speaker, Jim Sorensen, UI Client Advocate Manager with the Department of Economic Security, presented “Arizona DES Unemployment Program”

Meeting concluded 7:45pm