Metro Phoenix APA – Meeting minutes – 2.20.18

Wendy called the meeting to order at 6:01pm

There were no Treasure or Secretary reports

We had 2 new members, Jennifer Meise and Aimee Clementi. Welcome to all of them.

Jo and Wendy are working on getting more speakers for the rest of the meetings. They only need to find 3 more speakers

So far the W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc., NLRB, IRS, Dept of Revenue, ADP, GreenLink and Go Daddy are lined up to present

Need to find a Vice president, Secretary and Treasurer.  All have resigned their positions. Position descriptions are listed on the website.

No CPP/FPC study group this time as there isn’t enough help to make it happen.

Jo announced that Sara Graf passed away last Thursday. The chapter will donate to Project Linus which she was part of.

Debbie Piacitelli will be the speaker next month on Sick leave laws

6:32 the presentation started. The presentation was on ‘Metrics’ by Charla Keith

Jo dismissed the group at 7:20pm